Salinas waving his Mexican-made signs at traffic. Maybe it really says "Honk if you can see my belt!"
The Mayor of Laredo has been seen a lot recently standing on street corners waving his Mexican-made campaign signs, and, not surprisingly, taking a lot of criticism for spending his campaign funds outside of our city … especially outside of our country (which, by the way, is illegal in some campaigns.)
However, amigos, you can feel confident that the Big Man is finally listening to you, the people of Laredo, you who he bamboozled into electing him four years ago. Chubby Cheeks Salinas has now had his chief donor, Raymond (I’m running for everything) Bruni buy him a few campaign signs from a company in San Antonio. (Certainly not Laredo, but definitely not a company run by the Zeta gang either.)
Congratulations Salinas. Unfortunately, as in most instances of your blundering campaign, it’s too little too late.
And … RAYMOND BRUNI? Couldn’t you get Farouk Shami to sponsor you again?
U S Citizen
August 30, 2010 at 1:28amRaymond are you ready for another loss? NINE times would be a record, even for Laredo! Charles Martens doesn’t have many good things to say about you or your the fat Mayor you keep in your pocket — “A bunch of flunkies!”
Laredo Taxpayer
September 1, 2010 at 11:56pmMayor why don’t you try and run for Mayor in Nuevo Laredo as you love it so much and buy a lot from your Compadres . Todo tiene su precio lo de usted es se va a la casa con tu Perita. Ya Basta Gordo me das asco
September 3, 2010 at 4:15amThat’s why Laredo is the way it is it will never grow with all this stupid ppl making all this stupid comments. You must not have a life. (ADMIN COMMENT — Another case of inappropriate language and attitude. You obviously are in bed with the Salinas regime – on one side of the border or the other – OR ELSE, you’re a high school kid playing games. Either way, another comment like this and you will be banned from this site. Thank you.)
September 7, 2010 at 12:21amOtra Ves Raul one of your side kicks is getting another bid and does’t even own that kind of business
but comonly sits in your office and gets all the juice and goes home to make a bid prior to anyone getting a chance to solict he junps the gun.
Compadres y mas Compadres aqui y in en Mexico.
Go Home Laredo needs a real Mayor not a Puppet
September 11, 2010 at 3:16pmMayor,
In September 11, 2010 Laredo Times your report seems to have several pocket of air. Those of us who know you know that you have not disclosed several in kind contributions from those who are supporting you and you antionted them with a position that only the Mayor has the sole authority to appoint and needs no confirmation from Council.The all time BIG Loser headed for another loss. MR.BRUNI forget about trying to control everyone with your money.Your has expired on this one