Chorro, meet Chilo! Chilo, meet Chorro! Johnny Amaya FINALLY gets popped!

This afternoon, DA Isidro “Chilo” Alaniz picked up former City Council member and the Hero of Rio Bravo Johnny Amaya and others on charges of tampering with government records and “organized activities.”  Read the early report from KGNS.

My question, Lizardistas, is why has this taken so long? Amaya’s mismanagement of the Rio Bravo water plant is very nearly legend, and his “organized activities,” including “collecting money” for Wawi Tijerina and Danny Valdezhas never been kept secret.

Additionally, Amaya’s close relationship with former Pct. 1 Commissioner Big Frank Sciaraffa and former Pct. 3 Commissioner Jerry “Jugs” Garza has been the subject of more than one campfire conversation. The three of them were thick as thieves when the formers were serving. Will we REALLY put these two dips back in office next month?

Confirmation of the others involved arrested is a matter of formality.

Will we ever hear the full story? Nawww.

Will they pick up everybody involved with this sleazery? Of course not.

Will they pick up the biggest fish in this barrel? Well that’s going to be up to our District Attorney and District Judges.

Word is that the only reason this FINALLY went down was because of pressure on DA Chilo Alaniz by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to do something to at least appear to clean up this God-awful mess down here!

I’m not a big Greg Abbott fan — his record indicates that he doesn’t think much of you and me down here — but I will also say if it takes a kick in the ass from a guy with no legs to get you moving, then THANK YOU GREG ABBOTT!

Meanwhile, somewhere in Rio Bravo, someone may feel only slightly relieved… that is if they haven’t been drinking Amaya’s water!

2 thoughts on “Chorro, meet Chilo! Chilo, meet Chorro! Johnny Amaya FINALLY gets popped!

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply


    October 9, 2014 at 8:36am

    The investigation in this case was conducted by the Texas Rangers at the request from the District Attorney.

  2. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    Gerardo Garcia

    January 27, 2015 at 7:13pm

    The Texas Rangers were asked in from the outside and Chilo never asked them to investigate. Chilo has and will try to protect the little midget Amaya.

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