What happened to Princess, Treasuraul?
My friends, I’ve been remiss in posting to the “mother ship” in recent weeks, opting instead for the volatility of Facebook, where, btw, the Lizard has become Laredo’s most popular political page – THANKS TO YOU!
But Tuesday is Election Day in a runoff that was scheduled a full thirty days later than it should have been, so that (in my humble opinion) you wouldn’t care and stay home, while the same old patrones got elected, re-elected and otherwise sneaked their raggedy asses back onto the government payroll and into our pockets.
Now I’ve never been one to tell you how to cast your vote … only that you CAST YOUR VOTE!
However, before you vote consider the following:
Delia Perales has been in office for years and runs the treasurer’s office efficiently and uneventfully. (meaning no indictments, no convictions, no lawsuits… in Webb County, that’s a straight A report card.)
Raul Salinas has admitted:
- he doesn’t know anything about duties of the office of County Treasurer.
- he doesn’t know anything about numbers.
- he doesn’t know anything about computers.
- he’s running for Treasurer because Perales had originally decided not to run and said she’d support him. That’s his motivation.
- in essence, he’s utterly unqualified for this job… utterly and completely. THIS IS TRUE, he doesn’t know diddly squat about the job YOU are about to elect him to fill.
Raul Salinas has claimed:
- that his experience as an FBI agent qualifies him for this job. (Why hasn’t anybody ever called him on this? Salinas wasn’t a field guy, he was a public information officer, right? However, YOU elected him Mayor on the promise that he, the second coming of J. Edgar Hoover, was going to bring back all the kidnap victims from Nuevo Laredo … remember that?)
- that he handled the budget of the City of Laredo
- that he’ll keep Webb County’s budget under control
- that he doubled Laredo’s fund budget
- THESE WERE ALL LIES. Carlos Villarreal runs the City of Laredo. Throughout this campaign, all Salinas has done was dodge EVERY question of substance and posted countless photos of him at local fast food restaurants, eating free tacos, Big Macs and Whataburgers in exchange for photo ops! PLEASE!
Raul Salinas has avoided telling you:
- Eduardo Garza is financing his campaign. It’s in his finance report. The question is: to what degree is Garza bankrolling Salinas. He’s never been known for telling “the rest of the story.”
- That “someone” has a vested interest in Salinas. Salinas lists his residence as an apartment complex owned by that same “someone” … a complex which, by the way, is 100% Section 8 subsidized housing, as we understand it. In other words, our successful Mayor, who’s managed hundreds of millions of dollars for the city of Laredo (right) and brought thousands of jobs here, is so adept at managing his finances that he’s living in public housing. BTW — there are hundreds of needy Laredoans waiting for housing.
- His personal life is suspect. That’s not the way we play here at the Lizard, folks, but it doesn’t take much digging to strike MUD! In his divorce, the current “Face of Laredo,” couldn’t even negotiate for custody of Princess, “the first dog,” who wound up with his ex-wife. Poor Raul.
Folks, vote your conscience. Make sure you vote for the candidate of your choice in JP Pct.4 and County Commissioner Precinct 4, where you’ve got a choice between a perennial candidate and an incumbent who’s waiting for the shoe to drop in the ongoing investigation into local “questionable activities.
Don’t stay home!
We won’t endorse one candidate over the other, but SHAME ON US, if we screw up the runoff for County Treasurer.
October 7, 2014 at 7:33amThe Rogue Reporter column – you interested Lizard?