Reader Wishes for “Honest Primary” in Laredo… Don’t we all?

Sometimes we get emails that need to be published.  This one came in today, while Judge OJ Hale was cleaning up yet another election lawsuit mess.

Is it possible that in 2014 we can have a honest primary?

It has been said by a retired LPD investigator that 4 years ago the election was cooked. Webb County does have a few pockets of air in the Election Office. The investigator claimed that quite a few votes that were logged in as being cast by registered voters were not Kosher. In layman’s terms, the Frijoles had a weird smell in 2010.

Webb County has certain people on their current eligibility list that should not be on the list, a lot of dead people. Webb County has never had an Election without a snag. Maybe it is time that all Government entities come together and update the system.

It has been said that our present County Judge believes that the Election office is impeccable. The same retired investigator believes that many citizens over and beyond a reasonable age are still registered as active Voters.

It might be true that back quite a few years ago an elderly man would sit in Mayor J.C Martin office for days. He was asked by the Secretary what could she help him with. He replied that he was not in need of anything. After about a month went by Mayor Martin asked if he needed anything. The reply was he was waiting to meet his ancestors and thought there was a chance he could meet them in that office.

Hope this is not still happening but who knows really what goes on behind closed doors. The present Election Administrator has not had an evaluation under the Present administration like every other Department head. Every year all departments have evaluations. So why has this Department gone untouched. The answer is pretty plain to see.

Maybe birds of a feather really do flock together.

One thought on “Reader Wishes for “Honest Primary” in Laredo… Don’t we all?

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    January 11, 2014 at 7:59pm

    The truth shall remain no matter how stupid the truth always comes to the Laredo Lizard

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