OK Lizardistas, the powers that be have chickened out. There will be no televised debates, no radio debates. Not even broadcast conference call debates. That’s good news for incumbents who have something to hide and lots of money in their pockets. Bad news for the rest of Webb County who neither knows nor frankly cares what kind of inmates run this asylum.
But you can join in the discussion, and make your case right here on the Lizard. Got a question to ask a candidate? Post it here. Maybe the candidate will answer. Maybe not.
Just keep it clean and appropriate. The rule here is, TWO STRIKES and you’re OUT. If your amigo has to spend day and night keeping you from your own bad manners, we’ll shut down the discussion forums. Period. But otherwise, please join in. Ask the questions the media is afraid to ask.
You can also get involved on the Facebook page, which, I’m glad to say, now has well over a thousand likes.
Everybody tell ten of your friends to join us and VOTE in this upcoming election. Make a difference.