Chuy Garza is already on the offensive in the race for Court at Law #2.
The political season is heating up. Candidates are announcing for office, and some of our “less accomplished” incumbents are hopping like a frogs on a hot plate to try and make themselves look fresh, new and worthy to us.
Most of them are failing miserably.
Others are trying to cut old-fashioned deals and form alliances to protect their interest in serving the public (and if you believe that’s what they’re trying to protect, I’ve got a fifth bridge to sell you, Lizardistas!)
Since our last post, longtime prosecutor and assistant public defender Linda Garza-Martinez (wife of Webb County Chair Silverio Martinez), has announced her candidacy for County Court at Law #2 against “the best politician in Webb County,” Chuy Garza.
Garza, who hasn’t faced a real challenge in what seems like eons, has been expecting this, and has been part of several efforts to keep Martinez out of the race, using old-time tactics, like bribes and even threats:
- Earlier this year while she was considering a run for the office, Garza-Martinez was approached with prospect of being named to the position Juvenile Magistrate, to assist Judge Garza and his counterpart Judge Ben Morales in juvenile cases; a good job with a nice salary. Of course, that would have kept her out of the race. She demurred.
- Later this summer, after Garza-Martinez had already filed for a campaign treasurer and was planning her run against Judge Garza, another offer came – to become the next Webb County Public Defender, replacing Hugo Martinez, who was let go by Commissioner’s Court (not coincidentally after he announced his intention to oppose Morales in next year’s primary.) Commissioner’s Court then wisely voted to postpone that hiring decision until after the Primary – thank you Commissioner John Galo, for stopping yet another bribe attempt before it was made.
- Garza-Martinez launched her campaign and, according to her popularity in social media, has quickly built strong grassroots momentum, in spite of the repeated attempts to “hire” her and threaten her by the incumbent (remember, people call Chuy Garza “the best politician in Webb County.”) She has been physically assaulted by one of Garza’s top staff members (as reported in LareDos Magazine last month), and recently, her supervisor in the Public Defender’s office was threatened, as we hear it. Rather than buckle under these mounting attacks from political insiders, Garza-Martinez has stood tall and has resigned her position at the Public Defender’s office to run against Judge Garza full-time.
Chuy should have been a little more delicate in his handling of this matter. The bribes, physical and professional abuse will likely come back to bite him in the culo (not that he’d mind that, allegedly!) and he’ll have to figure out how to win a race against a living, breathing opponent. And a wife and mother of four at that.
Chuy may very well hang on to his bench and robe, but this time, he’s going to have to do it FAIR AND SQUARE, which might require him changing his entire game plan.
Expect this race to be one of the nastier ones in recent history when it’s all said and done.
Meanwhile, our County Judge and City Manager are acting like the idiots in Washington and shutting down services to taxpayers while they fight like little kids in a schoolyard. More on that coming up, along with more on the County Court at Law judge’s alliance (starring special guest star Jaime Canales) and “Experience Money Can’t Buy,” from our favorite luchador, Danny Valdez.
Stay tuned, Lizardistas!
el Triple XXX
October 25, 2013 at 1:27pmgreat comments and very true