The January 15 financial reports have been filed and there is major loss of continence throughout the Electosphere! People are checking to see that all I’s are dotted and t’s are crossed, just hoping for the opportunity to file a frivolous lawsuit against their opponent in an effort to, well, er, um … SOMETHING to draw attention to this incredibly low key and lethargic campaign.
OK, MOST Webb County candidates filed theirs on time. Pro8News reports a gaggle of Webb County hopefuls didn’t file the required expenditure reports by the January 15th deadline. Most notable among them, County Commissioner Precinct 2 “candidate” Louis H. Bruni, and two candidates for JP in Precinct 4, including oft-mentioned front runner Vicky Cantu.
This news comes as a tremendous shock, Lizardistas! Frankly, the fact that only a dozen and a half candidate didn’t file is incredibly light, considering the kind of intelligence we’ve been seeing from most of these yahoos!
Now, the chingazos can begin in earnest!
ONLY IN LAREDO are there so many conflicts based on the placement, content and defacing of campaign signs. This week was a doozy!
City of Laredo has been removing signs that violate the city’s sign ordinance. (Duh…maybe some of these folks might have checked that before littering city Rights of Way… there are even walls still painted with 2010 campaign messages, though Laredo banned that time-honored practice of well-painting years ago.) A lot of people had a lot of expensive signs removed. Seems like Danny Valdez, clinging to what little support he can still muster, was the biggest loser in the sign battle, as his signs appeared prominently in the Pro8News story. BIG SURPRISE!
Yesterday, squealing erupted when Constable Rudy Rodriguez was seen transporting bullet-ridden political signs promoting Wawi Tijerina’s campaign. She screamed bloody murder. The sign company explained they were rejects that were given to the Constable for target practice. RIGHT!
And now, the word on the street is that incumbent judge Jesus “Chuy” Garza is shadowing his opponent, Linda Garza-Martinez, and pre-empting her sign crews by planting his own sign in the places where she’d been given permission to place them. Other words on the street indicate that Garza and his people (including convicted domestic violence offenders) are engaged in the kind of stalking that some might consider criminal, as well. But that’s just what we’re hearing.
We’ll get back to the campaign finance reports very soon. We’ll look at who’s spending the most money, who’s giving the most money and where all these hundreds of thousands of dollars are going. You might be surprised. Then again, you might not!
ALSO – we are glad to announce that in absence of TV debates, we at the Laredo Lizard will begin combing social media and the internet for campaign videos for major races. We’ll post them here, so you don’t need to go out of your way to see someone singing Feliz Navidad!