Would you trust YOUR treasury to THIS man?
Happy Thanksgiving Lizardistas! I know that’s a week late, but I’m waiting for the last bite of left over turkey to go down before turning to Christmas tamales.
As we approach Monday’s official filing deadline for the March primary, a few things are pretty clear.
Some leftover turkey just won’t ever get finished.
Most notably, Mayor Raul “belly rub” Salinas, who, in spite of his admitted ignorance of the office, the functions of the office, the workings of the computer system or, let’s face it, anything else for that matter, has announced his candidacy for COUNTY TREASURER!
Here’s an excerpt from the story, courtesy of Aldo Amato at LMT, on November 20:
Although he holds a limited background in finance, Salinas said his experience as mayor should help him run a successful office.
“This office requires trust and communication,” he said.
“If elected, I promise to have an open door policy and be as transparent as I was as your mayor.
“I’ve always been out to events and met face-to-face with the people and I think the Office of County Treasurer needs someone just like that.”
From where we sit, it looks like Mayor Salinas can’t balance his own checkbook. (We don’t need to delve into his financial past, do we?) According to people in City Hall, he can’t turn on his own computer. (He freely admits that). So it only makes perfect sense that we should elect him to be custodian of all of Webb County’s monies and the technology that manages it! Right?
Word has it that before he announced, Salinas paid a visit to the Treasurer’s office to assure everybody that nobody’s job was in jeopardy when he became the boss. According to witnesses on the inside, Salinas was admitting to people that he had no knowledge of what the Treasurer’s office does and therefore he needed everybody to help him learn how to do the job.
And for this, WE should pay HIM more than $71,000 a year? What, for sitting on top of the McDonalds? For dressing up like a pink gorilla and waving his arms in front of a used car lot?
Shortly after that rather strange visit, longtime Webb County Treasurer Delia Perales announced that she’d run for re-election. Though a low-profile office, Perales KNOWS the job and keeps the office running without major incident or scandal… though you can be sure with Chubby Cheeks in the mix now, there’s be something exhumed for public gossip.
For whatever reason, Salinas is good at one thing … pulling the BULL over our eyes. He was totally unqualified to be Mayor and made unbelievable promises (many of them outright lies)… yet we elected him TWICE!
Will we be fooled a third time? Lizardistas, I’m sorry to say, it looks like this jackass is going to make asses of all of us.
We’ll be paying closer attention to this riveting race as time goes by. There are alternatives. We’ll look at them in another report.
Meanwhile, we’ll be checking in with the Las Vegas oddsmakers for a real prediction of just how many people will file for JP Court Precinct 4. Stay tuned!
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