Fernando Sanchez is BS-ing us all!

Fernando Sanchez is BS-ing us all!
There’s just something innately cowardly about a judicial candidate who tries to litigate his way into office. If you’ve been following the latest flap, then you have observed Fernando Sanchez show us his true colors… YELLOW and RED.
Yellow because he obviously was too scared of Becky Palomo to face her in a fair election, so he sued then party chair Sergio Mora for allowing her on the Democratic Primary ballot. The Court of Appeals never heard arguments about whether Palomo belonged on the ballot but based its ruling on the validity of the documents Sanchez’s lawyer filed. The court ruled, “yes, the papers were real,” and that Mora was wrong to ignore them.
Naturally, Sanchez, his family and even his paid hatchetman, Colon Strother, have been screaming that Palomo knowingly violated some kind of law.
(Mora is gone now. He quit, presumably not because of this) Is the Democratic Party better off without him? Who knows? A part-timer like Mora might be better than a lot of the full timers we’ve had over the years, even after a few happy hours.)
We get the color Yellow. It’s the color of cowardice. The color of Fernando Sanchez, trying to win the election in court and not at the polls. But RED?
Red because that’s where Sanchez’ campaign and quite possibly his personal life will be when the Texas Ethics Commission gets through with him. While Sanchez and his people were busy accusing Beckie Palomo of wrongdoing, he was trying to hide a blatantly illegal campaign contribution from his step mother, in the amount of $50,000. The law is not only clear on this, but the fact that he hasn’t addressed it could very well lead to a fine of at $250,000 or more.
Local activist Hector Farias filed the complaint yesterday. The story was on Pro8News last night.
Sanchez claims it’s a loan. Unless he got that money from a bank, a loan is the same as a contribution. This is either disregard for the law or plain stupidity. OR BOTH.
And HE had the huevos to think he’d get away with this? Huevos of brass if he was sitting on this blatant disregard for the rules, the ethics code and the law while slamming his opponent.
Palomo has appealed her case to the Texas Supreme Court. They have agreed to hear the case. Sanchez is scrambling to prepare a response to this appeal as well as to figure out a way to get himself out of trouble and keep his campaign out of bankruptcy. And Palomo may be back on the ballot by next week.
The Lesson? WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. We put up with a lot of bullcrap here in Webb County, but when we have to look at it straight in the face and smell it, we do whatever we have to keep from stepping it. Well, Mr. Sanchez, we’re not stepping in your dungheap. That’s because we don’t know how deep it is. But we will be digging deeper into it.
A third candidate filed for this court. Rufino Lopez. If the Supreme Court refuses to reinstate her (Sanchez DOES have some pretty well connected patrones), then the only sensible choice would be Mr. Lopez.
Stay tuned! THIS IS A JUICY ONE!
Tatiana Friar
April 8, 2012 at 3:55amYou bring up excellent points… I just can’t help but question the accuracy of your conclusions. I read you guys often and, while not trying to be disrespectful, I think it would be wise to include both candidates’ explanations. I think this could give readers a better idea and decide for themselves. I say this because there seems to be so many interpretations of the law.
Other than this minor point, I appreciate the efforts of your publication and the fairness you seem to often show. I urge you to consider publishing both candidates views and explanations.
The Lizard
April 15, 2012 at 5:58pmThank you Tatiana. Please question our conclusions all you like. We welcome it. Please remember that the Laredo Lizard deals with TRUTH (no matter how stupid it is) and is NOT here to present both sides of any story. We will endorse no candidate, but are here to shed light on the three-ring circus that Laredo voters have to watch every two years!
Will we talk about unethical politicians? HECK YES!
Will we expose falsehoods and lies being promoted by political campaigns? DOUBLE HECK YES!
Will we tell you who to vote for? NEVER!
Again, the stupidity is out there. The Lizard just listens, rinses and repeats!