County Court at Law #2

This is probably the most interesting race on the ballot this March.

Without a doubt, Judge Jesus “Chuy” Garza has gotten a free ride for a long time.  His court is notorious throughout South Texas for Garza’s unprofessional behavior, strongarm tactics and backroom deals.  You don’t get a reputation like that without earning it, and Garza is so feared by the legal community as well as those with cases pending before his court that he’s raised and spent more money than anybody else in the 2014 Campaign!

His challenger, Linda Garza-Martinez, faces an uphill battle.  She’s been stalked, threatened, offered bribes and even publicly cursed and assaulted by Garza or his band of merry men.  Her husband, outgoing Democratic Chair Silverio Martinez, has also received threats.

Garza-Martinez may have more courage than money, but it’s obvious that she’s got the huevos to take on Judge Backdoor.  Whether she raises enough money to overcome his prolonged campaign of extortion is another story.

Chuy has put some of the cheesiest videos in town online with the help of a San Antonio production company… but they’ve obviously convinced him that he needs to read a prepared message; impromptu, he babbles like a brook.

Garza-Martinez is a skilled litigator who knows how to speak in public.  Her videos, obviously also professional produced, showcase her argumentative side.

This is going to be a fun one, folks!




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