County Commissioner, Pct. 2

This started out as a crazy soap opera and will probably wind up as, well, a crazy soap opera.

Commissioner Rosaura “Wawi” Tijerina is fighting to defend her precinct from her predecessor, Judith “Judy” Gutierrez.

Also on the ballot is one-time City Councilman, former County Judge, and Gutierrez’s nemisis on Commissioner’s Court, Louis H. Bruni.  However, Bruni has become more of a punch line than a puncher in Webb County politics, having run and lost in every election cycle since he was dismissed by the voters 8 years ago.

And Ernesto Noe is also in the race. Minor campaigner so far, but someone who may actually be in tune with the 21st Century.

In the war of signs, that uniquely Laredo tradition of urban blight, the precinct is littered about equally with WAWI’s and JUDY’s, but the loud anti-incumbent sentiment in town is bound to hurt Tijerina.  And when her role in the CAA scandal and other patronage maneuvers become public, that anti-incumbent sentiment might grow into an angry mob.

It is interesting to note that a truckload of WAWI signs were used for target practice by Pct. 1 Constable Rudy Rodriguez’s office.  Nothing ever susprises, Lizardistas! Read the story here.

But it’s not like Gutierrez is a babe in the woods, either.  For 16 years, she sat on Commissioner’s Court and is probably as much a beneficiary of the “perks” of the office as anyone has ever been.

When videos become available, we’ll post them.

Meanwhile, this one is a “hold your nose and pick one” kind of race.



online poll by Opinion Stage

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